Draken BlackKnight

WARNING: This website is for informational purposes only. I am not responsible for any missing data, broken devices, an arrest record, you starting a thermonuclear war, or missing alarms. YOU are choosing to implement the information disseminated on this page. If you try to blame me for any of the aforementioned or anything else as a result of said implementation, I will laugh at you.

Draken BlackKnight

Privacy, security, EDC stuff, and general skullduggery.


Site stuff


General online security

Offline stuff

Stuff down the pipeline

Helpful links

Google's whitepaper on Android's privacy and security sandboxing This is something to show your friend who claims Android isn't that private and secure.

Apple's whitepaper on iOS/iPadOS sandboxing Another interesting read. Your move, Mobile Linux distros.

Eldritch Data If the format looks familiar to you, it's because I've cribbed a LOT of that website's formatting for my own. The webmaster has a lot of good information on there.

Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons Carey Parker is a former software engineer at Cisco who wrote a book about how to be more private and secure called...Firewalls Don't Stop Dragons (the 5th edition was JUST released in mid-February). It's a very good book for beginners, pros, and everyone in between. Carey also hosts a podcast by the same name and has interviewed quite a few huge tech names and politicians.

NBTV, with Naomi Brockwell A privacy advocate with a lot of great information.

The Hated One's YouTube channel The Hated One is a YouTuber who creates privacy and security tutorials and informational videos. Some of what he says borders on tinfoil hat territory but the videos are worth watching.

Techlore Another one who does a podcast, not just on YouTube. Takes a more nuanced approach than the Hated One. Also one of the cohosts of Surveillance Report. Just don't join the forums as there are too many trolls there.

The New Oil Yet another podcaster. Informative website but not a lot of videos. The other cohost of Surveillance Report.

Surveillance Report Podcast concerning security and privacy news. They try to be weekly. Cohosted by Henry of Techlore (who is never there, lol) and Nate from The New Oil.
